Sunday 25 September 2011

The plan!

The plan is to try to follow as closely as I can activities that meet the 6 early learning goals taught at preschools and reception in England. It is a while since I have taught this age group but when I was last there the goals were:

1. Creative development (listening to and making music, junk modelling, painting, drawing etc)
2. Physical development (running, jumping, catching, throwing, climbing, rolling, mark making etc)
3. Mathmatical development (counting, colours, shapes, building, pouring, puzzles etc)
4. Knowledge and understanding of the world (discovering, collecting, watching, pretend play etc)
5. Communication, language and literacy ( word recognition and use, stories, action rhymes etc)
6. Personal and social (making choices, mixing with other children, daily activities, sharing etc)

I have added an extra one of my own which is sensory devleopment which I think is relevant for my sons age group. (Visual, sounds, touch, taste and smell)

In order to make it more interesting I have devised a system to do a series of topics over the course of a year to coincide with the seasons and certain festivals etc.

The topics I intend to explore are:  (and wont necessarily happen in order!!)
1. myself
2. my family
3. my home
4. our senses
5. eat up
6. what will you wear today?
7. How do we get there?
8. What job do you do?
9. our pets
10. farm animals
11. Zoo animals
12. creepy crawlies
14. time
15. measurements (shape, height, weight, volume)
16. the seasons
17. the weather
18. happy birthday joshua
19. Christmas
20. Easter
21. Halloween
22. Bonfire night
23. Spring
24. Summer
25. Autumn
26. Winter
27. What can we grow?
28. The seaside
I may add to this list at some point!

Each week will be accompanied by a book related to the topic and a letter of the alphabet. I may take two weeks for each topic but will see how it goes first! (obviously as there are only 52 weeks in the year this can't happen for every topic!) I am also in the middle of a big house move so I may not get properly started until after we are settled!!
Here I go off on my journey!!!!! Have fun reading!

Lots of love
Ellie xxxx

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